Tongtai vertical rollers for sale provide blocking rollers, wing rollers, transition rollers, rubberized rollers
Yanshan County Tongtai Machinery vertical rollers are classified according to their uses into self-aligning rollers, buffer rollers, trough rollers, Parallel rollers. The function of the self-aligning roller is to correct the deviation of the belt conveyor. Usually, a rotary trough-shaped self-aligning roller is installed on the heavy-load section of the conveyor, and a parallel self-aligning roller is installed on the unloaded section. The buffer roller is applied to the tail frame according to the actual situation. When receiving materials, it can reduce the impact of the material on the belt, which is beneficial to the service life of the long belt. Elegant trough rollers generally consist of two side rollers and a flat roller. The groove angle is generally degrees. For detachable belt conveyors, the three rollers of the trough roller are hinged to each other, so Called articulated roller. The parallel roller is generally a long roller, which is installed at the lower end that bears pressure, so it is called the lower roller. Vertical rollers prevent items from deviating, rubbing against the edge of the track, increasing resistance, and damaging conveyed items. In short, the vertical roller has the function of correcting deviation. Yanshan County Tongtai Machinery vertical rollers have complete models and large quantities of supply rollers for sale in stock. Tongtai vertical rollers for sale provide retaining rollers, wing roller manufacturers, transition rollers, rubberized rollers.
Tongtai vertical rollers for sale provide retaining rollers, wing roller manufacturers, transition rollers, rubberized rollers for sale